Friday, March 22, 2013

Roller Derby

For my first concept idea I was going to make a logo for a rollar derby team. It wasn't long until I moved on to a better idea so I didn't put much thought or research into this concept. I have a sketch of a skate I was sketching while pondering on this idea.

Mcnamara/Troy Advertisement

I've been watching a lot of nip/tuck lately, which is about two plastic surgeons that grew their own business together called Mcnamara/Troy. They didn't have any advertising for their business and were loosing potential patients to another surgeon in town who did have advertizement so I came to the idea of creating a competing ad for the mcnamara/troy business. I drew a couple sketches, but didn't get much into it so decided to keep thinking of different concept ideas.

For my final project I painted an advertisement to get people in the mood to prepare for a zombie apocalypse by painting a zombie version of Uncle Sam with the words "I want you for the zombie apocalypse!" printed in red underneath. I have emphasized line and color. I have emphasized line with psychic line, a bold contour line and gesture lines and color by mainly using a tetrad colot scheme consisting of red, green, blue and orange. I was mainly inspired by the Walking Dead and noticing how the idea of a zombie apocalypse has lately been very popular throughout media and it seems to be a good concept that attracts everyone lately.

Designer's Statement

If you knew me as I grew up, you would know that I was always doodling and sketching in my sketchbook. The main thing I remember about taking art classes throughout middle school and highschool is that I was never part of the class, I was always in the back because my teachers were letting me create my own art classes. I'm in love with creating art and unlike math and science, I am happy with putting time and effort into my creations and have fun while doing it, that's why I am a designer.


March 1st- Project assigned, thinking of concept ideas.
March 8th- 3 concept ideas
March 12th- Picked my concept idea, research
March 14th- Three concept images, timeline, designers statement, mockboard layout
March 19th- Canvas sketched and ready to paint, edit designers statement
March 20th- Canvas painted, timeline complete.
March 22nd- transferred all work to blog

Friday, March 8, 2013

Pattern and Texture

Pattern and Texture
Pattern is a repeated design, it can imply a texture, but texture itself is associated with the sense of touch. Texture is the feel of the surface.
Baby"Obscene Jester." Review. Web log post. 'Obscene Jester' N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2013.
Verisimilitude- means to create something that appears true or believable. 
The only thing that shows that this is not an actual baby, is the museam enviroment and the girl in the background.
NFG! Digital image. We Heart It. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan
Tactile Texture- Tactile texture uses materials to create surfaces that can actually be felt or touched.
In the bird above we can how the

 "Repetition, Rhythm and Pattern." N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2013.
Alternating Rhythm- A rhythm thats created by patterns and sequences in which the same elements are repeating in a regular order.
The same man in a suit is being repeated throughout the painting demonstrating alternating rhythm.

"¡E U R E K A!" Â¡E U R E K A! » 08 Biotecnología Y Bioética. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2013.
Progressive Rhythm- repeating a shape in a regular order and it changes in some visual manner. (color, texture, size, etc.)

This Marilyn Monroe set is an example of progressive rhythm, because it's repeating monroes face with different color schemes.

"Art & Design –" Design Swan RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2013.
Legato- Usually a term used for musical rhythm meaning to connect or flow, but can also be a term used in the visual arts as well.

This painting has a crazy flow of curvilinear lines and colors showing rhythm and movement throughout the painting.

Friday, March 1, 2013

What's New in PD Howler?Symmetrical Painting... Faces and More." What's New in PD Howler?Symmetrical Painting... Faces and More. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2013.
Symmetrical Balance- In symmetrical balance there is a near or exact matching left and right side that balances the composition.
"Design Exercise 1: Hilary Rice | Kathy K. Wylie Quilting." Kathy K Wylie Quilting Design Exercise 1 Hilary Rice Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2013.
Asymmetrical Balance- Nonidentical forms on either side of a balancing point that creates a visual weight even though not symmetrical.
"Crystallographic by ~KatieConfusion on DeviantART." Crystallographic by ~KatieConfusion on DeviantART. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2013.

Crystallographic Balance- A balance with equal emphasis over a two dimensional surface that creates visual weight and attraction.

"Summer Picture (big) by Andrew Blackman Rivenis." Summer Picture (big) by Andrew Blackman Rivenis. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2013.
 Surrealism- Unrealistic scale and porprtions are used in surrealism.
Large and Small Scale Proportions
"We're Unable to Complete Your Request." Microsoft Account. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2013.

Dumitrescu, Bitzi ☂ Ion-bogdan. "Girl with Blue Flower at Villa Cortes." Flickr. Yahoo!, 11 Aug. 2008. Web. 01 Mar. 2013.
 Exaggerated Size- When the proportions are exaggerated, that is exaggerated size.